How to apply tax to invoices

Having the ability to include Tax/GST on your invoices to show your customers

If you need to apply tax to your invoices, you are able to set this up in your settings so that it will always calculate this and show for your customer on their invoices.

To do this, head to 'Billing'> 'Settings'> 'Taxes'.
On this page, firstly you will need to click the 'Yes'  button in the 'Tax enabled' box.
Once you have saved that, further tax options will appear.

You will be able to decide if your prices include tax or have tax added to them; whether your discounts should be applied before or after tax and your default tax rate.
You will also be able to add your tax number and set the wording you would apply to your tax.

Once all of this has been set up, any classes that you create from then on will calculate your tax with the parameters you have set, meaning that any invoices generated for that class will have the tax included.

The invoice will show as below, with the tax breakdown and the reference for your customers. You are able to apply your tax settings to some classes and not others if you need to during your class setup process.