How to set up automated payment reminders

Avoid letting late payments pile up by sending automated payment reminders to your customers.

We have a Reminders option in Billing > Settings now, where you can set payment reminder notifications that are sent to customers' emails.
You can also send a one-time reminder to your customers.

How to set it up?

First, go to Billing > Settings > Reminders:

Under Automated reminders introduction, press 'Enable':

Then, you can select the type of payment reminder you want (Before-due-date, On-due date, or After-due) and activate it. Or you can set all three, just one or two, and set when would you like to send them:

And don't forget to save changes after.

All payment notifications are usually sent by our system at 6 AM on the requested day.

Here are some examples of our Automated payment reminders:

Before-due-date reminder:



Would you like to personalise the email reminder template with your own message? Discover how to do so here.