How to set up AutoPay

Start with automatic recurring debit and credit card payments using AutoPay and our Stripe integration.

When the Debit/Credit Card payment method is enabled, you as the company owner will have the ability to give your customers the opportunity to pay their invoices automatically (This is a prerequisite). 

If you haven't set up online debit/credit card payments, you first need to do that by following this guide.

Enabling AutoPay

On the navigation menu, head to Billing > Settings > AutoPay

On this screen, you can enable the AutoPay feature to ensure your customers' invoices are paid on time by inputting the number of days before the due date.

For example

The invoice due date is May 30th. If you set up 7 days in 'Settings', on May 23rd (7 days before invoice due date) this invoice will be handled by AutoPay.

On this page, you have additional options like if you only want AutoPay to be used for classes or orders, enabling/disabling the option for your customers to delete the last card, and the option to turn off AutoPay.

Managing your customers' cards

Once you enabled AutoPay, each of your customers will have the ability to decide whether they want to enable AutoPay for themselves.

Your customers can manage their saved and default payment cards as well as their AutoPay settings under Payment Settings on your portal:

Once your customer has enabled Autopay and has added one card, AutoPay will begin to check whether the customer has pending invoices with an amount due and will automatically pay them.

After the process has finished, the system will issue an automated receipt to your customer (if this option is enabled).

Checking AutoPay status / Dealing with failed payments

As the business owner, you have 100% visibility of the AutoPay reports with extended information about which payments didn’t go through and why.

If the payment has failed, your customer will also receive a notification advising them why the payment didn’t go through on this attempt

Can I turn off Autopay anytime?

Yes, of course. You and your customers can enable or disable it anytime. If you disable AutoPay, you will turn it off globally, that is, for all your customers.