How to embed iframes in Squarespace or WordPress

Most website builders offer some way of adding blocks containing content hosted elsewhere. Here we look at two popular options, SquareSpace and WordPress.


Squarespace allows for you to build simple and beautiful websites with ease. Below are the steps in order to embed iframes

Note: Adding iframes to a Code Block is a Premium feature available in Squarespace's current Website Business plan and higher.

In the section you'd like to Embed the iframe, select the "+" to create a new block

iframe SS1


You will then need to select the Code option.

iframe SS3


From here, enter the iframe code found in your form.



Below are the steps in order to embed your iframe on your WordPress site.

Note: HTML tags like script, iframe, form, input, and style are not available on Premium, Personal, or free plans. You need to upgrade to the Wordpress Business Plan and install a custom plugin or theme to use them.


Select the "+" to create a new block

iframe SS4


You will then need to enter "code" into the search field and select the "Custom HTML" block.

iframe SS5


You will then simply need to enter the iframe code found in your form.