How to export Invoices to Quickbooks

This article shows you how you can use our Quickbooks integration to export all your invoices directly from Class Manager to Quickbooks.


This article assumes you are already familiar with Quickbooks and that you also use the cloud (online) version of QuickBooks.

This integration has the following caveats:

  • Does not display discounts. All values will be imported already discounted. Quickbooks does not allow discount value to be imported.

Does not display discounts. All values will be imported already discounted. Quickbooks does not allow discount value to be imported.

To get started, we need to export our data from Class Manager.  First, you need to head to Reports > Billing from the main navigation.

Next, you will need to find the report named Quickbooks Invoice Export:

This will list all the information ready to be exported. You may need to filter the invoices if you only need to import some of them. 

The date filter will filter the invoices based on the invoice date, this is the date that you approved & sent the invoices. Fortunately, you don't need to worry about accidentally importing duplicates to Quickbooks as Quickbooks will identify these during the import.

When you are ready to export, hit the export button in the top right corner of the page.

This will now download all the required information to your computer with a file named All Invoices.csv.

Import to Quickbooks

Now we need to head over and log in to Quickbooks. Once logged in, in the top right corner you should see a Settings Cog like below.

Once the menu has opened up, you need to select Tools > Import Data.

Then we want to select Invoices.

Next, we need to click Browse and select the All Invoices.csv file we exported in the previous step. We also recommend that you tick both boxes to automatically add customers and products/services into Quickbooks.

When this is completed, hit Next to get to proceed.

Quickbooks will automatically map most of the fields. You will likely need to set the Date Format to YYYY-MM-DD. If you get asked about Item Rate Inclusive/Exclusive of taxes, select Exclusive of Taxes.

When you are ready, we can move to the next stage by clicking Next.

Taxes Enabled? If you have taxes enabled you will next be greeted with the following screen. No taxes? You will skip this step. This will also vary by region. Ensure that you select the corresponding Quickbooks Tax Code that represents the Tax Code from the import:

When you have correctly assigned all your tax codes, click next to head to the final stage.

On the final page, you will get a summary of all information that will be created, along with any errors. Please pay close attention to this final page. In the example below we can see that it will also create the customers and product/services (classes) for us. 

If everything looks ok, click Start Import to finalise the process. 

Well done, all your invoices are now in Quickbooks ready for your accountant.

The Final Check

When running any import, it is crucial to spot check the information to ensure that everything has run smoothly. The quickest and easiest way to do this is to select 2-3 invoices at random. Open them both in Class Manager and Quickbooks and compare the values.

Example Invoice no.35 on Quickbooks:

Example Invoice no.35 on Class Manager: