How to add sizes and colours to products

In this article, you will find all instructions on how to add sizes and colours in Point of Sale section.

So let's start with adding sizes:

First of all, you'll need to go to 'Point of Sale' > 'Settings':

Then, click 'Create' on the upper portion:

Under 'Basic Information', in 'Name' you can type a general name for variations you'd like to create, for example - I want to add sizes for my products:

By clicking '+Add', you can create the first option:

You can add as many options as you'd like:

And then once all options are added, click on 'Save'.

As for colors, you would need to add them in a similar way - instead of 'Size' enter 'Color' and instead of sizes add color variations there:

How do I add these options to my product?

When you create or edit a product, click on the 'Add Variations' button on the upper portion:

Add all options for this product from your variations list:

And click on 'Generate' after:

You can also set a different price for some product variations if needed:

Once you're ready with setting up your price, click 'Save' and you'll see the full list of all product options that your customers can order:

Well done! Now you can start creating orders for your customers: