Adding a Credit to a Customer's Accounts

Managing unpaid invoices, partial payments, or refunds by issuing credits

When a customer no longer owes the full amount on an invoice, or if you need to refund them for canceled classes, you can easily add a credit to their account. This credit can then be used to offset unpaid or partially paid invoices. Follow these steps to apply the credit and manage it accordingly.

Steps to Add a Credit

There are multiple ways to add a credit to a customer's account:


  1. From the Customer Profile:
    1. Click < to the right of Customers.
    2. In the expanded menu click View All.
    3. Search and select the customer profile and navigate to the Billing tab.
    4. Click Add Credit, enter the payment date and amount, and press Create to complete the operation.
  2. From the Billing Section:
    1. Click < to the right of Billing.
    2. In the expanded menu click Add Credit.
    3. Select for the customer's name, then proceed to add the credit as above.

To add credits in bulk:

  1. From the customer list:
    1. Click < to the right of Customers.
    2. In the expanded menu click View All.
    3. Tick the boxes next to the customer name.
    4. Click Group Actions, and select Create Credit then proceed to add the credit as above.
  2. From the Billing Section:
    1. Click < to the right of Billing.
    2. In the expanded menu click Credit.
    3. Click on Add Bulk Credits, then proceed to add the credit as above.

Managing Credits

Once a credit has been added, you can view or modify it by going to Billing > Credits or by finding it in the customer's profile under Billing tab.

  • You have the option to delete the credit if needed.
  • You can assign the credit to unpaid or part-paid invoices. This can be done in whole or in part, splitting the credit across multiple invoices if necessary.

For example, if a customer has a credit of £250, you can allocate £100 to one invoice and £150 to another, depending on the outstanding amounts. If you only assign part of the credit, the remaining balance will be automatically applied to the next invoice generated, unless reassigned manually.

To assign the credit:

  • Select the credit and go to the Assignments tab and click Add.
  • Select the unpaid or part-paid invoice(s) to apply the credit.

Adding credits to customer accounts is a simple way to manage write-offs, refunds, or adjustments for unpaid or part-paid invoices. With the flexibility to split and assign credits, you can ensure your billing stays organised and accurate. This feature helps maintain a clear record of any customer account adjustments, ensuring smooth financial operations.