Editing Customer Information

Need to update customer details? Below are steps on how to edit customer profiles and settings.

Updating customer information, such as full name, address, billing details, and email address, is a straightforward process that can be done at any time. Here's how:

  1. Click < to the right of Customers.
  2. In the expanded menu click View All.
  3. Locate the customer's profile that you wish to update from the list.
  4. Open their profile by selecting their name, and under the Basic Information tab, you'll find the option to Edit.
  5. Ensure to fill in all boxes marked with a red asterisk, as this indicates mandatory information required for saving your progress.
  6. After making the necessary updates, remember to click Save to preserve your changes.

Additionally, if you need to apply the same settings changes to all customers, like the card payment settings and direct debit settings, here's how:

  1. Once you are on the customer's profile, head over to the Settings tab.
  2. Select the relevant settings and click the Apply to all customers button. This action will automatically save the modifications made across all customer profiles.

💡Need to store additional data about your customers? Follow our guide here on Creating Custom Attributes.

With these steps, you can effortlessly update customer details as needed, ensuring your records are accurate and up to date. ✅