How to exclude a class from your discount scheme

If you have a discount scheme set up but want to opt-out a particular class from this scheme

After setting up your discount scheme, you are able to exclude particular classes from this scheme so that discounts are not applied for them when you generate your invoices.

This feature is included as a part of your class setup, but you can edit an already created class as well.

Head to the class in question. 'Classes' > 'View All':

On your class list, click on the class you would like to make this change on.
When on the class details page, click 'Edit' in the right-hand corner and make sure the blue 'Discountable' box is un-ticked. Make sure you hit 'Save'.

You can also carry out this action when you are creating new classes.

Once this is done, it means this class will no longer be included in your discount scheme.

*Please note: any manual discounts added to an individual invoice over-ride this and still apply.