Setting and Modifying Invoice Due Dates for All Invoices or Specific Invoices

Set invoice due dates before sending them out, ensuring timely payments and efficient billing management.

When sending invoices, you can set a default number of days for payment deadlines. Here’s how to manage that:

  1. Click < to the right of Settings.
  2. In the expanded menu click Company and then Information.
  3. Under the Invoice Detail section, you'll find the field Invoice Due (Days) where you can specify the default number of days after which an invoice is due.
  4. Once you’ve made your changes, click Save to confirm.

    By adjusting this setting, you can ensure that invoices reflect your desired due dates for better payment management.

If you need to change the due date for specific invoices:

  1. Click < to the right of Billing.
  2. In the expanded menu click Invoices.
  3. Select the invoice(s) you want to adjust by ticking the box(es) next to it.

  4. If the invoices are already approved, you will need to convert them to draft first. To do that, click Group Actions and then Convert to Draft.
  5. Select the draft invoices and under Group Actions, click Approve. A pop-up will appear with the default due date, which you can manually change before approving.

Once you've set or adjusted the due date, your customers will see the updated deadline clearly on their invoices, helping to ensure timely payments. Remember, you can always go back and modify these settings as needed to fit your business requirements. 👍