Inviting your existing customers to the Parent Portal

Invite your current customers to log in, they are already registered, they just need to log in

If customers have registered or are newly registering through the portal using the online registration form, they are already signed up to the portal and you do not need to invite them.

This is just for customers that you have input manually or we have imported for you.

If you already have all of your customers set up in Class Manager, it is very simple to invite them to use the Parent Portal.

1. Click < to the right of Customers 

2. In the expanded menu click View All

3. Click the Invite all to Portal

This will send an email to all of your customers with the subject 'Portal Invitation'. 

You can edit email templates like this one, and more.
Learn how to edit this template and others here 

You can also invite individuals to log in straight from their customer page. 

1. Click < to the right of Customers

2. In the expanded menu click View All
3. Select the customer you would like to invite from the customer list.

4. Click Invite to portal 

 If you would like to advise your customers on the next steps, all they need to do is:

  • Open the email and click Join Our Portal.

  • This will then redirect them to a page where it will be asking them to create a password. This simply means they need to enter a password of their choice. They will need to enter this password twice.

  • As soon as they enter it twice and click to save it, they will be redirected to the portal log in screen to log in for the first time. They will then be able to see their dashboard! 

We advise you to encourage your customers to save the password they have entered for that site as most devices will give you that option. Also, they can bookmark that page so it is easy for them to access it. If any of that happens, they will always be able to refer back to that email for the link to the login screen.

We would recommend that you post the link to your portal login screen on your website and social media. This will give your customers a reference if they cannot find the login screen. 

Find your portal links on your Dashboard. 

Under My Portal you can click to copy the following links- 

Copy Login Link  - This is used for customers who already have been added into the system

Copy Register Link - This is used for brand new customers so they can sign themselves up and input all information and create students. 

Copy Class Enrolment Link - This allows customers to view what classes you have on offer for portal enrolment before they sign up. They can select the class and then follow with registering to the portal.