Setting Up and Managing AutoPay and Saved Cards

Show parents how to add or update saved cards, set up AutoPay, and manage payment preferences.

Managing your payment preferences in the customer portal is a simple and convenient way to ensure that your invoices are paid on time without any hassle. With AutoPay and saved cards, you can streamline the payment process and avoid missing due dates. This guide will walk you through how to set up AutoPay, manage your saved cards, and adjust your payment plan settings.

Adding a Saved Card

To begin setting up AutoPay, you'll first need to add a saved card to your customer portal account. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log into the customer portal using your registered email and password.
  2. Click Profile and select Settings.
  3. On the Payment Cards section, click the gear icon.
  4. You'll find the option to Add Card. Enter your card details (name, card number, expiration date, etc.) and save it for future transactions.

Now that you’ve saved your card, you can use it to make payments on invoices or set it as the default for AutoPay.

Setting Up AutoPay

AutoPay allows you to automatically charge your saved card whenever an invoice is due, ensuring that your payments are always made on time. To set up AutoPay:

  1. Follow the previous steps to navigate to the payment card settings page.
  2. On the right, you'll find the AutoPay preferences for full payments or payment plans:
    1. For full invoice payments:
      1. AutoPay - Automatically create payment when invoice due date is coming: set to Yes
      2. Allow automatically create payment for payment plans: set to No
    2. For instalment payments:
      1. AutoPay - Automatically create payment when invoice due date is coming: set to No
      2. Allow automatically create payment for payment plans: set to Yes
  3. Click Update to save your changes.


📝 You can only enable automatic payments for either full payments or instalment payments - never both at the same time.

📝 If the school or business admin has disabled managing AutoPay settings, you won't be able to change the AutoPay preferences.

Payment Plan Management

If your school offers payment plans, you can view and manage them directly in the customer portal:

  1. View Active Plans: Under the Billing > Plans section, you'll see all active and completed payment plans. You’ll see details like instalment amounts, due dates, and the total plan value.
  2. Pay Instalments: If your payment plan uses 'Manual' payment method and the school has enabled card payments, you may be able to pay instalments through the portal by navigating to the Billing > Payments section.


With AutoPay and saved cards, managing your payments in the customer portal is quick, easy, and reliable. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll never have to worry about missing a payment again.