Why are some time slots not available for a Lesson

The system will mark some timeframes light grey if there is already a lesson happening at the same time and at the same location

If you notice certain time slots are unavailable (greyed out) when scheduling a lesson, it could be due to existing class at the same time and location.

The system highlights timeframes in light grey if another lesson is already scheduled at the same venue, room, and time.

To address this, you may need to adjust the time or location for one of the conflicting lessons.

Edit Existing Lessons:

  1. Click < to the right of Classes.
  2. In the expanded menu click View All.
  3. Select the season and locate the class. Open the class detail page by selecting it.
  4. Adjust as necessary:
    1. In the Basic Information tab, click Edit to change the venue if necessary. 
    2. If not, head over to the Lesson Setup tab, select the lesson, then choose a different room and/or time.
  5. Remember to Save your changes.

Ensuring the time slots are available for your lessons is essential for effective scheduling. By understanding why certain slots may be unavailable and know how to resolve conflicts, you can streamline your class management process and provide a better experience for both students and staff. If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. 🙌

Is the time slot not visible at all? It might be the time slot falls outside the opening or closing hours of the selected venue. Learn how to update the venue's operating hours here.