Generating and Sending Invoices for Product Orders

Learn how to invoice your customers for products and items separately from regular class fees.

With the Point of Sale feature, you can create products and build orders for your customers to bill them accordingly.

Steps to Invoice for Products:

  1. Create Products: Before invoicing, you need to create the products you plan to bill for. Learn how to create products here ➡️ Creating Products
  2. Create Orders: Next, you'll need to create an order for the customer, which defines what will be included on the invoice. Find out how to create an order here ➡️ Creating Orders

Generating the Invoice:

Once the order is marked 'complete', you will be able to generate an invoice for it.

To generate invoices on select orders:

  1. Click > next to Point of Sale.
  2. On the expanded menu, click Orders.
  3. Check the boxes next to orders with 'complete' status, then under Group Actions, select Generate Invoices.
  4. You'll be prompted with two options:
    1. Create a Fresh Invoice for the order.
    2. Add to an Existing Invoice if there's a pending 'draft' invoice, the item(s) will be added there.
  5. Then click Generate Invoice.

To generate invoices in bulk:

  1. Click > next to Billing.
  2. On the expanded menu, click Invoices then click Generate Invoices button.
  3. Select whether to:
    1. Generate invoices for a season and all orders if you're combining class fees with product orders.
    2. Generate invoices for all orders if you're invoicing only for product orders.
  4. Lastly, click Generate Invoice.

Once generated, send the invoices as you normally would.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help ensure your invoicing process runs smoothly and efficiently! 👍