Activate your specific classes for online enrolment on the portal

Pick and choose which classes you would like to make available for enrolment on the portal for your customers

Portal class enrolments allow your customers to enrol into your classes with ease through the portal, and without the need to contact you first!

You can either allow them to automatically join the class or await your approval (which will show in your account).

Firstly, you will need to activate this feature. Find out how here.

From the Company Details page, to get here head to Settings > Company > Information page you will select whether you want manual approval, automatic, or if you want to require upfront payments (will need to have card payments enabled.)

Once you have activated it, you will need to decide which classes are going to opt into this feature.

1. Click < to the right of Classes

2. In the expanded menu click View All.

3. Select the relevant season you would like to update. 

4. Using the checkboxes on the left side you will be able to choose what classes you would like to enable for this feature. 

5. Once all the classes you would like to offer have been selected you will need to click on Group Actions, in the drop down select the option Enable Portal Enrolment 

6. Once these have been enabled, the red crosses on the side of the table will turn to green ticks, so you will know that these classes are now active on the portal. This means the classes are searchable and bookable through the parent portal.


Make sure you check each of your classes 'Capacities' as this will affect whether students are added to the class or to the waiting list.


You are also able to set age limitations so that only students can enrol in the relevant classes for their age.