Adjusting Invoices for Students Changing Classes

One of your students has decided to join another class? Let's have a look at how you can re-arrange the billing.

When a student decides to move to another class, it's essential to adjust their invoice accordingly.  Adjusting invoices for students switching classes ensures accurate billing and smooth administrative processes. Here's how you can manage the billing process:

  1. Leave the student attached to both classes temporarily. When the new invoice is generated, you'll need to manually edit the number of lessons the customer has to pay for. Find the invoice to edit by:

    1. Click < to the right of Billing.
    2. In the expanded menu click Invoices.
    3. Find the invoice by using the search bar.
    4. Click on the invoice to open it, then click Edit.
    5. Update the number of lessons for that class and adjust the registration free if necessary.
    6. Click Save.
  2. Once you've finished editing and approving the invoice, you can detach the student from the class they are no longer attending.

Not sure how to detach the student from the class? Follow our guide here

➡️ Removing a Student

By following these steps, you can effectively manage changes in student enrolments while maintaining financial clarity. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out for support. ⭐