How to set up portal enrolment with upfront payments

Ensure your customers pay on the portal when enrolling their students into classes. Learn how to configure this on your parent portal.

First of all, you would need to set a Stripe account to accept online payments from your clients. Here you can find a step-by-step description of how to do that.

And of course, you would need to activate Online Enrolment for your classes too: How to Activate Online Class Enrolment.

Then, you would need to set Upfront payments in the 'Settings' of your account. Go to Settings > Company > Information. In the Portal Class Enrolment section, enable Require Upfront Payment to approve Enrolments:

And don't forget to save changes after.

Great! And now, you can send your Portal Register link to the new customers. You can copy from Dashboard > My portal.

Let's check what happens when a customer is trying to register an account via the Parent portal link:

Here your customers provide all personal details, add students, and agree to your Terms and Conditions. And then they will be redirected to the following page:

They would need to go to Enrol now, select students they would like to book classes for:

And choose classes here via Add to enrolment list and after they press Confirm:

Then they would need to confirm their booking on this page and in case they need to update something, they can do that if they click Make changes here:

If everything is alright, they just press Enrol and you will be redirected to this page:

Here customers can pay with direct/credit card or Google pay:

All enrolment transactions will go to your Stripe account and then they get transferred to your bank details (linked to Stripe).
It will auto calculate the fees too. Note that Stripe applies additional fees for processing online payments; all approximate charges are listed in our article.