Adding a Student Profile

Add students to your account to assign them to classes.

When it comes to adding new students, there are three methods that can be used:

  1. Online registration Form (your customers sign up their own students via the portal link):

    1. Provide your new customers with an online registration form. The link can be found by following these steps:
      • Click Dashboard on the left menu.
      • Find the My Portal widget.
      • Click Copy Register Link.
    2. By using this form, students can sign up and provide all their necessary information and an optional photo.
  2. Manual Addition (you manually add your student's data as admin):

    1. If needed, you can manually add students to your system.
    2. Follow these steps:
      • Click < to the right of Students.
      • In the expanded menu click Create.
      • Fill in the student’s basic information, including an optional photo.
      • Link the student to a customer for billing purposes.
  3. Importing student data from a spreadsheet:
    1. Alternatively, we can import your student data from a spreadsheet. Check out the guide provided here to learn more about the process.

Note: Multiple students can be linked to the same parent/customer. However, only one customer can be linked to a student. If you need to add the contact details of a second parent or guardian, you can do so in the Contacts section of the customer's profile. Follow our guide here to know how.

Adding students to classes:

Once the student profile is created, you may proceed to attach them to the classes they will be attending. This means they will be added to the class information and registers, but also this will come in handy for later when billing your customers! 
    Follow our step-by-step guide here ➡️ Adding Students to Classes

    By following these steps, you’ll efficiently manage student records within your system. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! 😊