A checklist for online class enrolment

Make sure you have everything set up correctly and you are ready to accept online class enrolments from your customers.

We have included a checklist below for you to check you have everything in place ready to accept online enrolments from your customers through the portal.

  1. Ensure you have firstly activated the feature. Learn how to do that here.

  2. Then you will need to activate the classes that you would like to be included in the online enrolment. You will need to do this from the classes section on your account. Find out how to do that here.

  3. Head into each class and make sure you have the correct options and limitations selected.

a) In 'Settings' > 'Company' > 'Information', you can choose to have each class as automatic enrolment or enrolment that requires approval. Make sure you have the correct tick boxes selected. You can also enable Require Upfront Payment to approve Enrolments:

b) You can set age limitations in class settings if you only want certain age groups to sign up for a class.
c) You will need to ensure you have the class 'Capacity' set correctly as this affects whether a student is added directly to a class or whether they are added to the waiting list. If you need to update your class capacity - follow all instructions listed in this article.

You are now ready to accept online class enrolments through the portal!

Find out how to provide new and current customers with access to the portal for this:

Provide new customers with a registration form
Invite your existing customers to the portal